Août 20102-6 August - The 12th International Conference of Çankaya University: Thought in Science and Fiction Ankara, Turkey Scientific knowledge is so vitally important for the welfare of mankind that it no longer needs any justification. Nevertheless, the negative consequences of science and technology require continual vigilance. This vigilance need not necessarily lead to the radical reductionism that posits science as just another ‘fiction’. As suggested by the theme of the 11th ISSEI conference in Helsinki, 2008, Language and the Scientific Imagination, we must foster the dialogue between science and literature in order to show their crucial interdependence. The pivotal role of language in ‘the two cultures’ is based on our conception of thought and is commonly believed to originate in sense perception. What we call fiction is thus the free rearrangement of our perceptual thought in language. Historically, the great works of western literature preceded philosophical speculation on knowledge and science. Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides came before Plato and Aristotle, just as Dante, Cervantes, and Shakespeare came before Galileo, Descartes and Newton, and Flaubert, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky before Einstein. The organizers of the 12th conference of ISSEI, to be held at Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey invite scholars from various disciplines such as History, Politics, Literature, Art, Philosophy, Science, and Religion, to re-examine, redefine and reassess the scope of interdisciplinary dialogue in the past and present. The conference is divided into five sections: 1. History, Geography, Science
2. Politics, Economics, Law 3. Education, Sociology, Women’s Studies 4. Literature, Art, Music, Theatre, Culture 5. Religion, Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Language 5 August - GALA Webinar: "Next Level" Localization
Online Drawing on two decades of executive experience in the localization industry, Shelly Orr Priebe will present a webinar on the advice and recommendations she gives to clients wanting help taking their business to the next level. This session will provide general information that small and emerging translation and localization companies should find helpful. This session will describe the four categories into which her recommendations typically distill: 1. Sales and marketing strategy 2. Documentation of processes and HR systems to support accountability (job descriptions, performance management, SMART goals setting, training and process documentation) 3. Leadership coaching 4. Technology and tools While each situation is different, certain common denominators are present. This session will provide general information that is likely to be helpful to many small and emerging translation and localization companies. 5-7 August - 11th Annual Regional Conference: Variety is the spice of life Nebraska This is the region's most ambitious conference for the professional development of translators, interpreters and professionals in related fields. This year there will be 32 sessions with trainers and experts from around the country. 6-7 August - VIII Workshop on Formal Linguistics Universidade de São Paulo (USP) We are pleased to announce the VIII Workshop on Formal Linguistics, to be held on August 6-7, 2010 at Universidade de São Paulo (USP) in São Paulo, Brazil. The Workshop welcomes papers on any topic concerning formal accounts to meaning and structure with relevance to linguistic theory, and which explores either core aspects of grammar, or some interface phenomena (syntax-semantics, syntax-prosody, morpho-syntax, morpho-phonology, semantics-pragmatics, lexical semantics, language acquisition, etc.). The conference is open to work done from any theoretical perspective in formal linguistics. The official language of the conference is English. 6-8 August - 8th Asia TEFL International Conference Hanoi, Vietnam The goals of 8th Asia TEFL conference are to promote scholarship, disseminate information, and facilitate cross-cultural understanding among persons concerned with the teaching and learning of English in Asia and other parts of the world. 11 August - GALA Networking Event - Seattle Area Seattle GALA invites you to mark your calendars for an informal gathering of members and localization industry colleagues in the Seattle area. Join us for drinks, dinner and networking. Wednesday, 11 August 5:30-8:00pm (Come before 6:00 and catch Happy Hour!) Lot No 3 460 106th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 Food and drinks are on your own, but please RSVP to by 2 August to help us give an accurate headcount to the restaurant. We hope to see you next month at Lot No 3! 12 August - GALA Networking Event - Austin Area Austin GALA invites you to mark your calendars and invite your colleagues to join us at an informal gathering of members and localization industry colleagues in the Austin area. Join us for drinks, dinner and networking. Thursday, 12 August 5:30-8:00pm Bess Bistro on Pecan 500 West 6th Street Austin, TX 78701 This is a no host event, but please RSVP to by 06 August to help us give an accurate headcount to the restaurant. We hope to see you in Austin! 12-13 August - Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference 2010 Fiontar, Ireland This conference is about the promotion of knowledge and technology transfer for special language communication on the basis of terminological procedures and data. It will focus in particular on the theme of presenting terminology and knowledge engineering resources online. 13-14 August - 4th Annual TAHIT Symposium on Language Access Houston, Texas, USA The TAHIT Symposium is an opportunity for our diverse membership to join together and discuss issues facing indi-viduals of limited English profi-ciency in Healthcare. This year we are especially excited about the program that we have lined up. Along with some excellent speakers, participants will have plenty of opportunities to network and visit with our board members, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors. 19 August - GALA Networking Event - Dallas Area Dallas GALA invites you to mark your calendars for an informal gathering of members and localization industry colleagues in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Join us for drinks, dinner and networking. Thursday, 19 August 6:30-9:00pm Hilton Lincoln Centre 5410 LBJ Freeway Dallas, TX 75240-6276 Food and drinks are on your own, but please RSVP to by 12 August to help us give an accurate headcount to the restaurant. We hope to see you next month in Dallas! 19 August - How Google Built a Strong & Robust I18N Organization in Four Years Online Manish Bhargava, product manager for internationalization efforts at Google, is the driving force behind Google's 40-language initiative. His team helps various Google products internationalize by providing the technical know-how and international market insight 19 August - GALA Webinar: High Quality Translations: Myth or Reality? An SLV Perspective Online Join Olga Fomenko, Project Manager at Intext Translation, for a webinar based on her Prague 2010 session on the unique challenges and perspectives of the SLV. As an SLV, you've chosen to provide a very focused, specific service. To succeed, you need to get it absolutely right, all the time. This session deconstructs the workflow and quality challenges unique to the SLV and investigates applicable solutions to ensure SLV success. From detailed workflow analysis to critical success factors for quality, this session explores how fun this struggle for high-quality translation can be for the SLV, all the time. 21 August - ATA Certification Exam Workshop San Francisco Bay Area OBJECTIVES • To acquaint attendees with the ATA certification process and its most recent changes. • To explain the mechanics of the examination, the evaluation, and the concepts and details of the grading process. • To introduce those "tricks of the trade" that may improve your chances of passing the exam. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? • Those who are just curious about the certification process of the American Translators Association. • Those who have been preparing for, or actually may have already taken, the ATA examination and wish to learn ways to improve their chances of passing. 23-24 August - ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English training, Finland Tampere, Finland Simplified Technical English will greatly improve the quality of your documentation and help you achieve considerable time and cost savings. This standard regulates the language used in technical publications, making text easier to understand, less ambiguous and more consistent. STE greatly improves translation quality and provides a perfect basis for multilingual translation, saving cost while achieving optimum quality. 23-25 August - The Twelfth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Hawaii, USA The Twelfth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP 2010) will be an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in and applications of signal and image processing. It is an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. SIP 2010 aims to strengthen relationships between companies, research laboratories, and universities. All papers submitted to this conference will be double blind evaluated by at least two reviewers. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution. 23-27 August - The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics Beijing, China COLING 2010, the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, is being organized by the Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS) and will be held in Beijing, China on August 23-27th, 2010 under the auspices of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) . We look forward to welcoming you to Beijing, the cultural, educational, and political capital of China, and the proud host of the 2008 Olympics. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vous désirez publier un événement ? Envoyez-nous par e-mail les informations concernant cet événement (date, titre, description, adresse Internet, etc.) à |
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