Décembre 2010

   1-2 December - Malaysia International Conference on Foreign Languages

                               Selangor, Malaysia

Language is a crucial component in the construction of identity in that languages and varieties of language are ways of expressing and recognising the many social identities people have. Scholars insist on the centrality of language as the necessary and primary medium of thought and action. Therefore, the formation of social relations and groups, cultural norms and practices, and ultimately the formation of subjectivity itself, is seen as a function of language-mediated processes.

   2 December - Wordfast Classic Training Level 1 - Auckland
                            Auckland, New Zealand

This training will be devoted to setting up and using the general features of Wordfast Classic. A workflow approach from translation quoting to delivery will be used and practical exercises will focus on creating and using glossaries and translation memories, as well as handling references. Time permitting, we'll learn how to create a translation memory from past translations using the alignment function of PlusTools. 

    2-3 December - Translation & Accessibility inGames Virtual Worlds
                                 Barcelona, Spain

The I International Conference on Translation and Accessibility in Video Games and Virtual Worlds aims to be an interdisciplinary meeting point for all those interested in the fields of game localisation and accessibility, as well as accessibility and the role of translation in virtual worlds. This pioneering conference aims at laying the foundations for future studies in these areas, become a discussion forum where industry and academia meet and promote interdisciplinary research.

   3 December - Wordfast Pro Training Level 1 - Auckland
                            Auckland, New Zealand

This training will be devoted to setting up and using the general features of Wordfast Pro. A workflow approach from translation quoting to delivery will be used and practical exercises will focus on creating and using glossaries and translation memories, as well as handling references and various file formats. Time permitting, we'll learn how to create a translation memory from past translations using the WF Align tool.

   6-7 December - AGIS '10
                               Mumbai, India

Action for Global Information Sharing (AGIS) brings together people and organisations promoting Equality through Language and Cultural Diversity.
AGIS '10 will be hosted by CDAC Pune in Mumbai, probably India's most exciting city. Preceding the event, there will be a Certified Localisation Professional course, organised by The Institute of Localisation Professionals, with a focus on Indian languages (1-4 December). The excursion ...on 05 December will present the ideal opportunity to meet new and old friends before the main event kicks off on Monday, 6 December.

   7-9 December - Seventh Symposium on Translation, Terminology

                                Havana, Cuba

Each day, we hear of new machine translation, translation memory, Web-page translation, localization and project management tools. These technologies require language professionals to be increasingly prepared in order to deliver service with the speed and quality clients demand. Some worship these tools; others criticize them. But regardless of how we feel about them, they are here to stay. - What impact do these tools have on the work of language professionals? - Does machine translation pose a real threat to human translators? - What are the advantages or disadvantages of these new technologies? - Do we need to change the approach to translator, interpreter and terminology training? The Asociación Cubana de Traductores e Intérpretes (ACTI) and the Canadian Translation, Terminology and Interpretation Council (CTTIC) invite everyone interested to debate these and other topics on December 7, 8 and 9, 2010 at the Seventh Symposium on Translation, Terminology and Interpretation. All those who work in the language field — professionals, researchers, members of professional associations or other related occupations — and who wish to present a paper at the symposium should submit a summary of no more than 250 words to the organizing committee at the e-mail addresses indicated below by May 31, 2010. The committee will study the proposals and respond to the authors by July 31, 2010. 

   8-9 December - India’s Role in a Changing Global Economy
                                New Delhi, India

India’s IT industry has emerged as a global leader for high-quality engineering and design tasks and for development of products sold around the world. At the same time it has helped spur a revolution in India’s internal consumer economy, which is on track to become the third largest in the world by 2035. Over half of the world’s leading IT firms are located in India and the size of this sector is expected to quadruple by 2025. Much of this growth will be fueled by specialized, top-quality small-and-medium-sized companies. India will also have a crucial role to play in providing services for the growing consumer markets in all of southern Asia. With a large and dedicated base of business process and IT outsourcing companies, India will need to add globalization capabilities to meet foreign demand for services. At the same time, India’s twenty-two official languages provide access to a market of over 800 million consumers, making India the new strategic market for multinational companies looking for new markets that will experience substantial growth. 

   10-11 December -
International Language Conference at NUI Galway
                                   Galway, Ireland

This conference will examine issues related to translation, technology and autonomy in language learning. Proposals are invited for papers, workshops and posters on the following general subtopics: 1. Translation, Technology and Audiovisual Translation. 2. Autonomy in Language Learning. 3. European Language Framework and Portfolios. 4. Reflective Teaching and Learning. 5. (Multi)media in Language Learning. 6. Distance and e-learning. 7. Virtual Learning Environments in Language Learning and Teaching. 8. Teacher Training. 9. Language testing and assessment. 10. Intercultural issues in Language Teaching and Learning. Abstracts are invited for presentations, workshops or posters in a titled, single-spaced attachment of not more than 300 words in length, with name, address and affiliation in the body of an email and a brief biographical description, to one of the members of the conference organizing committee. Papers, presentations, workshops or posters will be accepted in Irish, English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. A selection of the proceedings of this conference will be published For further information, please contact one of the organizing committee members. 

   16-19 December - International Conference on Role of Translation in Nation Building, Nationalism and Supra-nationalism”
                                   Jalpaiguri Area, India

“Nation Building” has always been linked to national integration and the creation of national identity. For a country like India, it is a very delicate and challenging matter to deal with a national identity that derives its strength from its multiple layers of social, political, religious, economic, cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity. However, the communication gap which inevitably arises out of such a diversity of boundaries is constantly being bridged by the people themselves, whose day to day reality is, for the majority, living in a multi-cultural society and interacting in a multilingual manner.

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